As I want to bring more of the female form into my shapes, I thought I would bring back some muscle memory of figure drawing, to see what inspires me and what I want to bring into my work. It has been a while since I have drawn anything realistic, but this came back to me with hardly any warming up. I genuinely loved the process, and I found myself rethinking my entire project. To me it seemed like a 180 in my thought process, but looking back I would never have gotten to this point without the original forms.
In drawing and shading these figures, I found myself drawn to the curves and folds, with the layers of skin overlapping. Having a curvier figure, for me it almost became a love letter to myself, seeing the beauty in a heavier form that is still so far from the mainstream "beauty," despite the many efforts to change that. It is a classic form throughout history, and some of the oldest known sculptures are of beautiful, voluptuous women- the Venus of Dolní Věstonice, and the Venus de Willendorf both. I want to bring an element of this into my work, but not go too literal with it and just print a torso. I want to merge the soft curves of the female form with the terraced layers of the printer to create something that is unique unto itself

Venus of Dolní Věstonice

Venus de Willendorf