So I wanted to be a bit more deliberate with my forms, bringing in more of the curves and making them mirror the female form a bit more. So I sculpted a new form in Rhino, which was not as difficult as I thought it would be, and I am absolutely loving this new shape
This shape has more of the elements I love from my figure drawings, with hip dips, belly rolls, and a little hint of a bum; and they are a lot more purposeful than just a subconscious by product. I was even able to project my patterns onto this shape, and they really harmonise quite well with the form, and I cannot wait to see them in clay. The question I know I will get in this project is "why?" Why go through the trouble of sculpting this very organic form in a program that is not really designed for that, only to print it in clay with the layers clearly visible, when you can simply sculpt that sort of from yourself? And the answer is that I like the contrast of the organic form from an inorganic process. There is something so compelling to me about taking the soft, feminine curves and feeding them into lines of code to get printed layer by layer. I also like to push myself, and the challenge of creating a form like this in Rhino was just too good to pass up.